Few people are on time in Ethiopia
, and if someone is an hour late to a meeting, they will offer a small apology. It's usually customary to accept their apology without making a big deal of their tardiness.
Punctuality tends to be more respected in business situations vs. social ones.
Public transportation does not have a set schedule for most trips as vehicles will leave when full.
People tend to be very giving of their time, and are rarely in a hurry.
Note: Ethiopia follows the Gregorian calendar (13 months to the year) and the day is divided into 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. For example, an 8 am meeting means 2 o’clock; or a social function at 7 pm is 1 o’clock.
Many foreigners joke that Ethiopian Standard Time is plus or minus two hours, usually plus and often longer.
Very often things will start late and are rarely planned in advance, so don’t be surprised if people ask you to a six PM dinner at 5:30 and seem offended if you have plans.