You must have a thick skin while traveling in Togo. Don’t let people push you around and guilt you into buying something you don’t want. If you give change to a beggar expect a lot more people to show up and ask. People will always be watching, even staring at you.
When purchasing items in the market or taking a taxi expect to pay more than the average Togolese would pay. All Togolese assume if you are white (not black) that means you are rich and should pay more. However, all prices are negotiable and you should never pay the first price asked for. This is cultural, not rude, so be blatant and ask them to lower the price. They expect it. If you choose not to bargain you make it that much more difficult for all the other tourists to get a fair price. Try to remember people don’t mean to be rude when you’re given a good deal of unwanted attention, especially if you’re white.
The Togolese are open to foreigners and happy to help when asked.
A random piece of trivia is that the tallest building in all of is the Sofitel Hotel in the capital of Lomé.
Skin color is not a big issue. People don’t hesitate to announce your skin color in public if you are lighter skinned than they are, even if you’re black. This is culturally acceptable and not at all rude.