Titles are important and it is best to address people directly by using Mr., Mrs., or Miss, followed by the surname. Note: for French-speakers: "Monsieur" is for Mr., "Madame" is for Mrs. and "Mademoiselle" is Miss. For Swiss-German speakers: "Herr" is for Mr., "Frau" is for Mrs. For Italian speakers "Signore" is for Mr., "Signora" is for Mrs.
You should always wait to be invited to use first names before doing so yourself.
In German and French, there are two words meaning “you.” One is formal, in French “vous” and one is informal, “tu.” Therefore, depending on the situation you must know when to use the formal or informal pronoun. When conversing with friends and peers, it's acceptable to use “tu,” but when in the business setting or speaking with elders, use “vous.”
There is no set protocol surrounding the giving and receiving of business cards.