Men greeting Men – If it is a new acquaintance, men will most likely shake hands. If it is a friend, many will grasp hands and then hug. Some good friends and family may also kiss on both cheeks.
Women greeting Women – If it is a new acquaintance, they can shake hands, if one of them initiates by extending her hand. If it is a friend, they will kiss on both cheeks, and if a good friend, they may also hug.
Meetings between Men and Women – If it is a new acquaintance, and the woman is older, very often men will kiss her hand as a sign of respect. They can shake hands, but the woman must initiate by extending her hand first. If it is a friend, they will kiss on both cheeks, and if a good friend, they will also hug.
Note: Usually, young people say "buna ziua" to older men which means "good day" and to women "sarut mana" that means “I kiss your hand" but people say it in a hurry, so it sounds like "sarumana" . People do not say “sarut mana" to men, only to priests. The youth greet with "salut", “servus" or even “hello" or "hallo".