On many university campuses, smoking is quite common. However, students are typically prohibited from smoking inside of the classroom.
One will also likely find a number of small cafeterias across a campus serving coffee, tea, sodas, sandwiches, chips, and cookies.
During the holy month of Ramadan, you might not find anyone smoking, eating, or drinking in public areas. Some universities will even have their security guards monitor the campus for those who smoke, eat, or drink during the fasting period. This is more common, however, at the more conservative universities.
Drinking alcohol on campus and throughout Jordanian society is viewed as unacceptable.
While gender integration is usually uncommon throughout , the university campus is one place where men and women do and can interact relatively freely. The concept of dating, boyfriends, and girlfriends is not common in Jordan, but is starting to be picked up in student social life.
Publicly dating can be very dangerous, especially if one or more of the people involved come from a conservative family. As a result, dating is often done in secret and sometimes only by cell-phone. If dating does occur, it is almost always initiated by the man.
For off campus dating, couples typically go to
Amman or cafes in larger cities to drink coffee and smoke argilah (water pipe).
At the larger cafes, there are usually closed off sections where couples can sit together and enjoy a diminished fear of being spotted by a disapproving family member, friend, or relative.
Outside of dating, groups of friends also frequently attend street side cafes near the university to drink coffee and tea, smoke argilah, and watch local, European, or Egyptian soccer matches.