In Jordan, the role of women is slowly beginning to change. It is generally considered the women’s role to take care of the family by staying home with children, cooking or cleaning while the man works and provides the income.
Recently, in
Amman and some of the other larger cities, women are becoming more involved in business, other fields of employment, and attending university. Still, it is generally considered unacceptable for a woman to be doing manual or physical labor with a job.
For a foreign woman in
Amman, working and studying will not be much of a surprise. But in some of the smaller or more conservative areas of the country, it will be strange to see a foreign woman at all, let alone working.
Women should also not sit in the front seat of a taxi. It is uncommon for an unrelated man and a woman to be seen alone together, and in a taxi this can lead to awkward or potentially dangerous situations.